Thursday, November 3, 2011

Common Reasons to Employ Storm Drain Contractors

Storm drain contractors are employed by General contractors to perform work on storm water drainage systems. This type of pipeline system is necessary for rerouting accumulated storm water runoff from ground surfaces such as roads, sidewalks, curbs, and parking lots.

Employing licensed and certified storm drain contractors is necessary when systems are installed or repaired. These systems have to be maintained on a regular basis to minimize risk of flooding and to check for large pieces of debris that can cause systems to backup and overflow.

Storm drainage systems are comprised of a series of water pipes, catch basins, and inlets. That latter two are devices that attach to subsurface pipes. They are positioned by roads, sidewalks, and curbs to filter debris and convey water to a discharge location.

Improper installation of storm water drainage systems can result in flooding or release of toxins into oceans, rivers, and streams. To minimize risks, storm drain contractors have to undergo extensive training to become certified in this field of work.

All materials and components used with these systems, along with installation processes, have to be in compliance with EPA guidelines set forth in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. NPDES is the governing body that regulates all sources that release pollutants into American waterways.

When contractors perform work related to commercial, industrial, institutional, or public works projects they need to have NPDES permits prior to starting work. When work is performed on residential storm water drainage systems that attach to public sewer lines or private septic tanks they are not required to acquire NPDES permits.

All drainage systems make use of filtration systems to keep large pieces of debris from being released into waterways. Contractors utilize a variety of filters which include geomembrane liners, storm water chambers, fabric filters and fossil filters.

During the design phase, engineers perform multiple calculations and evaluate a variety of factors. One of the most significant factors is calculating the rate at which water accumulates uphill and travels downhill. Figuring out accumulation and flow rates is vital for determining the size of pipes that need to be used, as well as understanding the most effective discharge location.

There are times when discharge locations are a considerable distance from the storm drainage system. This often warrants making use of a detention pond to store excess water until it can be conveyed to the point of release.

Not only are detention ponds a good method for storing excess water, they also help protect property which is located below the storm drainage system. Furthermore, detention ponds help to regulate the rate at which water flows through outlet pipes.

Water flow rates are established by individual municipalities. Any time flow rates surpass allowable levels excess water is stored in detention ponds until it can be safely conveyed through water pipes to the designated discharge point.

Employing experienced storm drain contractors helps to accelerate pipeline construction projects while ensuring materials and installation procedures are in compliance with local and federal regulations. Due to the fact these systems are necessary for flood prevention it is crucial to hire reputable contractors that possess a superior record of construction safety.

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